New recruits must:
Be aged 13 to 15 years
Accepted younger if attending secondary school
Abide by NZCF Code of conduct and Unit Standing Orders​
And YES – we accept cadets of all genders!
We meet every Wednesday night, during the school term, from 6:30pm (1830) until 9:15pm (2115).
We run a range of activities on the weekends, but lots of notice is given for these. Cadets usually find it quite easy to manage sporting commitments around weekend activities.
After you have been a cadet for a while, you may also attend courses during school holidays.
You will wear a modified RNZAF uniform, with rank slides distinguishing you as a cadet. Uniform is to be worn every week to ATC parade nights, and at other formal occasions such as ANZAC Day parades. A DPM (Camo) uniform is also supplied for outdoor activities.
Our uniform is:
Issued on a loan basis – to be returned if you leave ATC
To be worn as per RNZAF standards
Worn only on NZCF activities
You need to provide your own shoes and socks
Basic Flight (Year 1) $300 + $50 Camp - This includes Uniform, SQN Shirt, SQN Hat. Unit support subsidy is available.
Fees are payable at First Parade, Term One However, 1st yr cadets may pay at the completion of their probationary period
(about 6 weeks into the term) when issued with their Record of Service booklet. Uniforms will not be issued until fees are paid.
What does the Learning Criteria consists of?
History of the Royal New Zealand Air Force and the unit
Cadets become familiar with where the Royal New Zealand Air Force has been deployed and where their unit comes from.
Learn the team work and skills required to stand tall in public.
Dress and bearing
Become skilled in meeting exacting standards of personal presentation.
Aviation studies
Understand aircraft technology, the theory of flight and have the chance to go flying.
Bush craft
Become skilled and comfortable in a bush environment.
First Aid
Know how to look after yourself and your team in the area of First Aid.
General Service Knowledge
Gain knowledge about the Royal New Zealand Air Force, the aircraft it flies, what it offers and how it assists New Zealanders.
Instructional techniques
Develop skills in passing on knowledge to other Cadets.
Find you way on land and in the air.
Firearms training and marksmanship
Become skilled in safe firearms handling and competition shooting.
Develop the skills to lead others.
Radio procedures
Gain and practice correct military procedures when using radios.
Citizenship training
Acquire status from serving others.
Recreational training
Achieve skills in a wide range of recreational activities. These could include such activities as tramping, abseiling, gliding, climbing, caving and four wheel driving. Contact your Unit Officers for specific training opportunities.
There are also opportunities in the Squadron for cadets to take part in:
Flying Scholarships and Camps
Military Base Visits
Promotional Courses
The Air Force Experience Scheme (AFE)
Local, Area and National Bushcraft Camps
International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE)